Broadening Opportunities for Youth

  • Strengthen educational outcomes for youth, including through local ESSA implementation
  • Urge college and career readiness, and how afterschool develops workforce skills
  • Explore how afterschool offers protective factors to support well-being in children and families
  • Strengthen connections between education, school-age child care, juvenile justice and health and human services across the continuum
  • Consider new partnerships and solutions to improve access and quality in afterschool and summer learning programs 

Leaders from all 50 states will meet to discuss common goals and strategies that broaden opportunity for all youth from kindergarten through high school. Discussions will focus on how to:


Engage Youth in Learning


Improving educational outcomes from grades to attendance, afterschool programs engage youth in learning to succeed in school today.

Build Workforce Skills


From teamwork to problem-solving, afterschool programs are helping youth develop the skills needed to become entrepreneurs, explorers and more.

Leverage Partnerships


Thoughtful and innovative partners work with afterschool to identify resources, bring new program content and achieve shared goals for thriving communities.

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About the Networks

Creating more opportunities for youth to succeed in school, life, and future jobs, the statewide afterschool networks bring together state policymakers, educators, and community leader to increase and improve afterschool and summer learning. Sponsored by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the afterschool networks excel in: promoting quality and evaluation for learning experiences; delivering effective professional development; coordinating funding from public and private sources; educating policymakers about the impact of afterschool; and disseminating rapid, trusted communications to inform and connect the field reaching more than 100,000 stakeholders nationwide.